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file Health Analytics Community Meeting - October 27, 2022

  • Messages : 297
il y a 1 an 9 mois #8163 par Finnie Flores
Hello all,

Here is the link to the presentation deck on ACCESS Sonoma used by Walter during his presentation.

If anyone wishes more information please contact the following:

Vanessa McKay, Client Executive, Ontario Public Sector
416-997-4386 | Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

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  • Messages : 297
il y a 1 an 10 mois #8147 par Finnie Flores
Hi Sarah. Good to know that you found the presentation interesting. I have asked for Walter's presentation deck. Will post in the forum once I receive it.


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  • Messages : 4
il y a 1 an 10 mois #8146 par Sarah Spensley
Hello Finnie,

I really enjoyed this presentation - just wondering if the slides will be released from it.

Thank you!


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  • Messages : 297
il y a 1 an 10 mois #8141 par Finnie Flores
Hello all,

The Health Analytics Community is pleased to host, Walter Szyperski, a global leader for IBM’s Government Center of Excellence. He will be presenting IBM's involvement with Sonoma County in California on the ACCESS Sonoma, a new initiative focused on homeless people that broke down organizational silos and provided case workers with real-time data. ACCESS Sonoma helped reduce the homeless population by 9% and increase housing placements to 35%.

To attend this informative session, register in advance for free at

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Modérateurs: Linda MonicoFinnie Flores

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