La période de renouvellement de l’accès au contenu d’HL7 Canada pour 2025-2026 est commencée. Veuillez renouveler votre accès d’ici le 1 avril 2025.
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Also, as noted by Eric during his presentation, if you wish to receive a copy of the report of his listening tour, please send your request to Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..
Hi Everyone!
Please join the Health Analytics Community for our February meeting. We have some excellent presentations on the topic of Health Data Governance:
• Eric Sutherland, Executive Director for Data Governance Strategy, CIHI
Moving Forward Together: Health Data and Information Governance in Canada
• Andy French, Senior Data Architect, CGI
Data Governance in the Health Sector