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file SNOMED CT IPS Terminology Package Production Release Available - November 2022

  • Messages : 19
il y a 1 an 7 mois #8228 par Madison Kaskiewicz

The first Production release of the November 2022 SNOMED CT® IPS Terminology (IPST) package is now available, from the IPST website:

The SNOMED CT® IPS Terminology (IPST) package contains SNOMED CT files distributed in a zipped file archive:

This stand-alone package is provided as a sub-ontology - for full details of the composition and scope please see the announcement here:

The Release Notes and Implementation Guide are also available from the same IPST site as the package, and the Documentation can also be accessed on InfoCentral:

SNOMED IPS Terminology Production Release Notes - November 2022

IPS Terminology User Guide

It is worth noting that current SNOMED CT users, those located in a SNOMED International Member region or those with an Affiliate license to a complete SNOMED CT edition, should avoid use of the IPS Terminology and instead, implement their IPS solutions using a full edition of SNOMED CT such as SNOMED CT-CA for Canada.

Please Contact Us if you have any questions.

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