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file SNOMED CT Odontogram Refset Package Production Release Now Available - July 2022

  • Messages : 19
il y a 1 an 7 mois #8224 par Madison Kaskiewicz

The Production release of the July 2022 SNOMED CT® Odontogram refset package is now available, from the Canada Health Infoway.

The SNOMED CT® Odontogram refset package contains SNOMED CT files in Release Format 2 (RF2) only, distributed in a zipped file archive:

The Release Notes have been separated from the Release package, and can be downloaded as distinct files:
• doc_SnomedCT-Odontogram-ReleaseNotes_Current_en-US_INT_20220731.pdf

The Release Notes can also be accessed from InfoCentral:

SNOMED CT Odontogram Refset Package Release Notes - July 2022

Please Contact Us if you are interested in implementing these files or have other questions.

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