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question-circle Are You, or Someone You Know, Eligible for HL7 Fellow Designation?

  • Messages : 234
il y a 9 mois 2 jours - il y a 9 mois 2 jours #8597 par Ron Parker
Hello all:
Every year about this time, HL7 International initiates a nomination process for persons who are eligible to be recognized as members of the HL7 John Quinn Fellowship Program.
Members of HL7 Canada who already have the FHL7 designation are:
  • Lorraine Constable
  • Jean Duteau
  • Paul Knapp
  • Ron Parker
  • Melva Peters
The eligibility criteria are:
  1. Current membership in HL7 is required. Although Fellowship, once granted, is for life, there are other ways to express appreciation for candidates who are no longer members.
  2. Service as Affiliate chair, WG chair/co-chair, HL7 Board member, or some other clear and highly recognized objective indicative of peer recognition and significant contribution to HL7 International must have be evident.
  3. Fifteen years or more of voting membership in HL7 International and/or the affiliate is required.
The deadline for nominations is<strong> August 10th.</strong>
If you wish to nominate yourself, or someone else, please respond here on the forum with:
  • the individual’s name
  • the leadership positions held currently or in the past
  • any other contributions that make him/her worthy of being a nominee for HL7 Fellow.
On August 10th, I will consolidate the submissions and forward them to HL7 International for review by the existing community of HL7 Fellows.
Ron G. Parker, HL7 Canada Chair
Dernière édition: il y a 9 mois 2 jours par Ron Parker.

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