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file Call for Participation: Pathology Visions 2019 Connectathon

  • Messages : 60
il y a 4 ans 10 mois #5088 par Raqia Hazam

Knowing all of the interest and success of Connectathons, please see the note below from DICOM

We are announcing a Connectathon to be held at the Pathology Visions 2019 Conference ( at the Hyatt Regency Orlando.

We have a document that describes the event here:

The registration link is in the document and also here:

There is a separate spreadsheet that includes a timeline here:

Please contact Steve Moore (email below) as soon as possible if you have interest but do not have final commitment from your organization. That information will assist them with planning.

Please send any questions to Steve Moore if you have concerning the event.

Best regards,

Steve Moore
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