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Will do so, Mike. There will be an opportunity for the HL7 International Council Members to discuss this topic with the CTO and the CEO at the next meeting.
Welcome to the New Year everyone, I hope you had a restful and satisfying holiday break.
The next HL7 Working Group Meeting is coming up, from Jan 12th to the 18th. At this meeting, HL7 Canada has the opportunity to give a 20 minute presentation to the International Affiliate Council. These presentations are very valued by our international colleagues, and I am hoping we can provide a comprehensive and current snapshot of what is happening in Canada with regards to HL7 standards.
This is an invitation for you to provide a paragraph or two on any activities you would like to see featured in that presentation.
Certainly there are many FHIR initiatives underway in the country, but what else is happening that may be of interest? Our European colleagues may be especially in the area of CDA (current state or evolving to the use of FHIR for reporting).
Please provide your responses here, or you can forward directly to ron[at]parkerdhc.com.
Many thanks!
Ron P.
Dernière édition: il y a 5 ans 10 mois par Ron Parker. Raison: Type