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Background Documentation

( 8 Documents )

Association Diseases Conditions to Forms

Publié le 17 Fév, 2015 par Beverly Knight

here is the association done between the forms subset and the reportable condition subset

BC-Yukon Panorama Config

Publié le 23 Fév, 2015 par Michael Coss

These files describe the configuration of several disease-related fields for the BCY implementation of Panorama. Note that these files are from the initial configuration, and there have been minor changes to the configuration since then. I will update...

Forms Subset

Publié le 17 Fév, 2015 par Beverly Knight

Here is the forms subset created as part of the reportable disease/condition subset

Reference; WHOPasteurSalmonellalist

Publié le 08 Juil, 2015 par Beverly Knight

Reference;CDCNationalSalmSurveillOverview 508

Publié le 08 Juil, 2015 par Beverly Knight

Reference;Salmonella;Appl Environ Microbiol 2011 Wattiau 7877 85

Publié le 08 Juil, 2015 par Beverly Knight

Refernce;Salmonella Sertyping CDC

Publié le 08 Juil, 2015 par Beverly Knight

US CDC Reportable Condition Mapping Table v32012 04 17

Publié le 17 Fév, 2015 par Beverly Knight

here is the product that US CDC created that will be leveraged

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