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How can IHE help with creating standards/specifications that can be utilized for jurisdictional or nationwide RFPs?

Groupe: IHE
Télécharger au format iCal
Jeudi, Février 13, 2025, 12:00pm - 01:00pm ET
par David Kwan

Dear IHE Canada Community Members,

You are invited to attend:

How can IHE help with creating standards/specifications that can be utilized for jurisdictional or nationwide RFPs? and an update on 2025 IHE NA Connectathon

Thursday, Feb 13, 2025, 12:00pm - 01:00pm ET

Description: TBD.

Join us for an informative webinar on How can IHE help with creating standards/specifications that can be utilized for jurisdictional or nationwide RFPs? and an update on 2025 IHE NA Connectathon.


  • TBD

Webinar panel will address:

  •  TBD


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