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Seamless Imaging: Transformative Opportunities in the Cloud

Groupe: Enterprise Imaging
Télécharger au format iCal
Vendredi, Septembre 22, 2023, 12:00pm - 01:00pm ET
par Jason Nagels

In this webinar, participants will explore the transformative impact of cloud technologies on medical imaging. As healthcare embraces digital solutions, cloud-based systems offer unparalleled advantages such as accessibility, scalability, and enhanced data security. Through a comprehensive overview, attendees will gain:

  • A foundational understanding of cloud computing in the context of medical imaging.
  • Insights into the unique advantages of cloud-based systems, including operational efficiencies and real-time collaboration.
  • A look into the potential for innovation and growth within the healthcare industry through cloud technologies, specifically pathology and genomics in the future
  • An overview of cloud imaging being done in the rest of the world


  • Chris Hafey: Principal Solutions Architect in the Amazon Web Services HealthAI, AWS HealthImaging
  • Stephen Harrold: Director of Strategy and Innovation, Sectra North America


Lieu https://infoway-inforoute.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqdu-rrjMpH9212zDijGUG6qi65DIt5zqr
Contact David Kwan, Jason Nagels

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