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TODAY: Empowering Developers to be Healthcare Heroes

Groupe: FHIR Implementations
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Lundi, Octobre 04, 2021, 05:30pm - 07:00pm ET
par Daniel Zivkovic

Serverless Toronto User Group is (virtually) hosting Kevin Maloy, MD – a practicing board-certified Emergency Medicine physician who can also code. Dr. Maloy will write a SMART on FHIR app that lets a patient figure out if they have been tested for Anemia because simple apps like this are probably the best entry into FHIR – without being too complex.

The app will run in Cerner's SMART on FHIR sandbox, but Dr. Maloy will also explain how to launch the same code in Epic. Please bring your questions too, because

  • Dr. Maloy has extensive knowledge of development within Cerner electronic health records (EHRs),
  • he is a certified physician builder in Epic EHRs
  • with a particular interest in Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) in the clinical environment, Cloud Computing and Machine Learning in health care.

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