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HL7 Canada Council Out-of-Cycle Call

Groupe: HL7 Canada Council
Télécharger au format iCal
Jeudi, Octobre 22, 2020, 01:00pm - 02:00pm ET
par Ron Parker

Hello all:

I have a conflict for our Oct 20th regular call that I cannot shift.  I am proposing that we convene on Thursday Oct 22nd at our regular time.  Thanks for your understanding.  If this is not good for you, let me know and if there is more than one who cannot attend I may reschedule.  Sorry for the short notice.  Rp

Here are the meeting coordinates:

Ron G Parker is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: HL7 Canada Council Out of Cycle Meeting
Time: Oct 22, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 913 6785 6115
Passcode: 652444
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Meeting ID: 913 6785 6115
Find your local number: https://infoway-inforoute.zoom.us/u/adTyE3VPTY

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Meeting ID: 913 6785 6115
Passcode: 652444


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Contact Ron G Parker

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