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Coverage and naming conventions for vaccines - SNOMED CT Immunization Redesign Meeting

Groupe: Health Terminologies
Télécharger au format iCal
Jeudi, Septembre 03, 2020, 01:00am - 02:30pm ET
par Linda Parisien

Please join us on September 3 at 1:00 pm ET for 90 minutes to learn about the enhancements to the Canadian Immunization Model. This week we will present and discuss the coverage and naming convention for vaccines.

We would like to get feedback from you, and you are welcome to join Dr Guillermo Reynoso, Chief Terminologist, Dr Ines Otegul, Project coordinator and Dr Patricia Houghton, Certified SNOMED International Consultant Terminologist from TermMed SA for this session.

Remember that registration is required prior to joining the meeting. Link to event is here.

Lieu Webinar
Contact Linda Parisien

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