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IHE Update - AI Results/AI Workflow

Groupe: Enterprise Imaging
Télécharger au format iCal
Vendredi, Juin 05, 2020, 12:00pm - 01:00pm ET
par Jason Nagels

In this session, Kinson Ho will present an overview of the two latest IHE Radiology Profiles: AI Results and AI Workflow.

The AI Workflow profile is intended to outline well-defined transactions and content to support the integration of AI-based actors leveraging existing standards-based operations, supporting the workflow and interoperability across these actors.

The AI Results Profile addresses the capture, distribution, and display of medical image analysis results. The central use case involves results generated by artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms. Key considerations include Interoperable Results, Study Integrated Results, Effective Presentation, and Convergence of Result Encoding.

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Contact Jason Nagels

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