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Patient Summary Standards Set – A new, free resource for enabling interoperable patient data sharing

Groupe: ISO
Télécharger au format iCal
Jeudi, Mars 22, 2018, 12:00pm - 01:00pm ET
par Andrea MacLean

Clinicians, implementers, software developers, digital health experts and standards governors will gain insight into a new resource for identifying, assessing and choosing the standards, artefacts and profiles most suited to satisfying particular requirements. This inaugural standards set guidance document, published by the JIC collaborative of 8 Standards Development Organizations (SDO’s), provides a coherent collection of standards and standards artefacts that support a specific use case, that of Patient Summary, a priority internationally and across Canada. We will provide the essential highlights of the use case, the standards selection rationale, the interoperability based tables of standards identified, the conformity assessment framework and some early implementation information. And we will be excited to hear from Webinar participants on implementation lessons starting to emerge from across Canada, as patient summary standards are established in real world data sharing systems.


  • Elizabeth Keller, OntarioMD VP, Digital Health Canada Board Member and Treasurer, Vice-Chair ISO/TC215 Standards Mirror Committee
  • Don Newsham, Chair ISO/TC215 Standards Mirror Committee and Head of Delegation
  • Michael Nusbaum, President, MH Nusbaum & Associates Ltd

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