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"Unlocking Healthcare Data” - Through IHE Structured Data Capture

Groupe: IHE
Télécharger au format iCal
Jeudi, Novembre 09, 2017, 12:00pm - 02:00pm ET
par Linda Monico

Collecting and extracting non-standardized healthcare data remains a challenge for healthcare.

The Structured Data Capture (SDC) initiative was sponsored by U.S. ONC to develop the IHE SDC Profile and has since transitioned into a community-lead initiative. It's members include representatives from HL7, College of American Pathologists, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, California Cancer Registry, UC Davis, National Cancer Institute, National Library of Medicine-National Institute of Health, CCO and HIT vendors.

If you are part of the standards or health information community, an implementer, or a solution provider, and if you are especially interested in standardizing collection of data, we invite you to join this webinar to learn about the IHE SDC Profile and how it might work for your solutions. An invitation to join the SDC working community is also extended to those attending or interested.

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Webex details: 1-866-626-0833

Code: 514 397 7999

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