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Keeping your physical and digital healthcare information secure but accessible is vital to providing quality care

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Jeudi, Mai 18, 2017, 07:45am - 11:30am ET
par Tasha Shaw-Verbic

Hosted by Iron Mountain - Complimentary Healthcare Information Governance Event

Industry experts will provide insight and perspectives on privacy standards and security practices to governing healthcare information. These thought leaders will also provide a proactive approach to protecting sensitive information in your care.

Experts will keep you informed on:

  • Discussion on the purpose and essential elements of health information and data governance
  • Insights on current challenges to privacy and security and other dimensions of governance
  • Leading international IG practices and practical solutions to closing the gaps

All steps towards enabling your physical to digital transformation while addressing compliance and mitigating risks


  • Andrea Bacque, Director Canadian Healthcare Solution
  • Joan Roch, Chief Privacy Strategist, Infoway
  • Abigail Carter-Langford, Chief Privacy Officer, eHealth Ontario
  • Linda Kloss, President, Kloss Strategic Advisors

Event Program and Registration

Event is in English only

Lieu St. Andrew’s Club and Conference Centre
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