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Peer Network Collaborative Learning Enhances Health Information Systems Quality

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Jeudi, Mai 11, 2017, 12:00am - 01:00pm ET
par Tasha Shaw-Verbic

Canada Health Infoway's (Infoway) Clinical Peer Network is a peer-to-peer program that promotes the active engagement of health care providers involved in the implementation of digital health systems across Canada. The Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO) and Infoway partnered to establish a Peer Leader Network that worked to enhance patient-centred, evidence-based wound care management using advanced clinical e-functions (e-clinical decision support and e-clinical analytics) and patient e-services (e-views). Four organizations, using four different health information systems (HIS) participated in the initiative.

At various points of the project the Peer Network brought together health care leaders, nurses, other health care providers, health information technology personnel and decision support staff from the four organizations to enhance their informatics knowledge, skills and abilities to effectively lead and support the integration of the advanced clinical e-functions and patient e-services within their HIS.

This presentation will report on the collaborative approach used by four healthcare organizations to optimize their HIS.


  • Jane Sparkes, Nurse Leader, Clinical and Change Leadership, Canada Health Infoway
  • Rita Wilson, RN MN MEd., eHealth Program Manager, RNAO
  • Deborah Johnston, RN, MN, GNC, CEP, Director of Professional Development and Informatics, Chartwell Retirement Residences
  • Milly Helps, RN, Nursing Informatics, Bluewater Health
  • Zarah von Schober, RN, Clinical Program Manager, Bayshore Healthcare
  • Barbara Chapman BScN, MSc eHealth, Manager, The Department of Clinical Informatics, St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton

Join us for this informative presentation and discussion.

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This webinar will be presented in English only. It will be recorded and archived for post-session viewing along with a French and English version of the slide presentation on Infoway's website at

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