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Infoway Subsets Updates Webinar

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Jeudi, Mai 11, 2017, 01:00pm - 02:30pm ET
par Linda Parisien

In support of Digital Health interoperability, join this webinar that will provide the updates to various subsets in support of active project implementations in Canada.

Highlights of this release include:

  • The Communicable Disease subset that supports the exchange of diseases or conditions that must be reported to provincial/territorial public health authorities;
  • The Immunization subsets that support the recording of Immunizations by Public Health Agencies across the country, First Nations communities and in the CAN Immunize mobile app; and
  • The Primary Health Care Content Standard Subsets in support of the work being done by CIHI to collect pan-Canadian data in a consistent format at the point of care to enable the comparison of population health trends and informs health system planning and evaluation

Webinar Details (this event is at 1:00PM ET)

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Audio: 1-866-626- 0833 Conference Code: 510 611 0296

Location : Webex
Contact : Linda Parisien and Lorie Carey

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