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The Medication Profile: what should it be and how could it work?

Groupe: Medication Management
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Mardi, Avril 11, 2017, 01:00pm - 02:00pm ET
par Seema Nayani

High quality comprehensive and cohesive medication information is a vital component of electronic health records. This information, which forms the Medication Profile, should be available for use to support the provision of safe, effective and cost-efficient care to the individual, but should also, given appropriate security and consent, be available for secondary uses in clinical research, to promote better and safer medication development for the future. Drawing on the research from her doctoral thesis at University College, London, Julie will present the evidence for:

  • what information should be in a Medication Profile and
  • how that information could be gathered and maintained in systems,
  • plus a little about how that information could be presented to users to support the various use cases.

Presenter: Julie M. James, Blue Wave Informatics

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