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Coordination of Care January Meeting - Improving outcomes for patients, providers and health systems: eHealth Saskatchewan Projects

Groupe: Coordination of Care
Télécharger au format iCal
Mardi, Janvier 31, 2017, 01:00pm - 02:00pm ET
par Peter Picton

Our January meeting will feature a presentation from eHealth Saskatchewan which touches on their work in advancing EMR intereoperability and related projects.


Michelle Mula, Patricia Rothney, Lillian Ly, eHealth Saskatchewan


Patients are challenged by the lack of access to their own health information and increasingly frustrated as they find themselves repeating information to multiple providers involved in their respective care. Providers are similarly frustrated by not timely access to patient information. Consequently, the health system suffers with multiple points of duplication, as well as complications accessing data related to patient care. At eHealth Saskatchewan, EMR interoperability as well as the Citizen Health Portal, (patient portal), are critical projects undertaken to enable the flow of health information to both providers and patients.

Looking forward to an engaging dialogue as well as an opportunity to address these topics in a broader Canadian conversation.

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Audio: 1-(866) 626-0833 ; Conference Code: 920 307 9211

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