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Webinar: Clinical Analytics in Primary Care

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Jeudi, Mars 17, 2016, 01:00am - 02:00pm ET
par Tasha Shaw-Verbic

More and more clinicians in Canada are making the switch from paper records to electronic medical records (EMRs). In doing so, they are generating an ever increasing volume of patient data. How can they get direct value from this data to help them deliver better outcomes and safer care? How should analytics be integrated into their EMR?

In this webinar, Mark Nenadovic of Infoway’s Emerging Technology Group will talk about the potential that exists for data generated by EMRs to be analyzed to glean insights that can inform treatment decisions for individual patients, and to gain insights on patients within a practice. He will also talk about how this data can be aggregated and reused by ministries of health, health quality councils and researchers to investigate population health and assess health system performance.

Join us for this informative and thought-provoking discussion!

Prior to the webinar, you may wish to read the white paper Executive Summary or Full Report.

This webinar will be presented in English only. It will be recorded and the recording may be posted to Infoway’s website. The slide presentation will be posted to Infoway’s website after the event, and will be available in English and French.

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Webinar is from 1:00 - 2:00PM ET

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