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Kick Off Meeting - Enterprise Solution and Integration Architecture

Groupe: Enterprise Solution and Integration Architecture
Télécharger au format iCal
Mercredi, Décembre 09, 2015, 12:00pm - 01:00pm ET
par Tasha Shaw-Verbic

Meeting is listed in eastern time.

We will introduce some topics of interest to this group, as well as to solicit your feedback on future events you feel would be useful to you in your role, or to present work you are involved in that might be of interest and value to others. Enterprise Systems and Integration Architecture Dec 9 Webex

As part of this particular event, Eric will be presenting on Ontario's Consent Model. In this presentation, Eric will be discussing:

  • Ontario's strategic objectives for consent
  • Current Ontario consent landscape
  • Consent model overview
  • Planed activities for fiscal 2015/16
  • Discussion on some of the perceived challenges
  • Next steps for consent management in Ontario

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