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IHE Connectathons: Value, Prep, and How to Excel

Groupe: IHE
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Mercredi, Juillet 29, 2015, 01:00pm - 02:00pm ET
par Linda Monico

IHE provides a detailed implementation and testing process to promote the adoption of standards-based interoperability by vendors and users of healthcare information systems. The process culminates in the annual Connectathon, a weeklong interoperability-testing event. Engineers and developers from hundreds of vendors and organizations representing hundreds of products perform tens of thousands of test cases during that week. It offers vendors a unique opportunity for connectivity testing—removing barriers to integration that would otherwise have to be dealt with on site, at the customer's expense. Companies taking part have responded overwhelmingly that this IHE process addresses important issues in their product development plans.

Come and find out what it feels like to participate in the Connectathon as seen through the lens of a solution vendor, how to prepare for it and the value it brings to your organization.The target audience is any vendor or organization which would like to test software applications directly with other vendors for IHE integration profiles.

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