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Canadian Conference on Physician Leadership 2015

Groupe: Medication Management
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Début Vendredi, Avril 24, 2015 -  08:00am
Fin Samedi, Avril 25, 2015 - 05:00pm ET
par Brad Fonseca

Host: Canadian Society of Physician Executives

What will I gain from attending this Conference?

In face-to-face discussion with colleagues and international experts, participants
will have the opportunity to:

  • „„Discuss the role of the physician leader in transformational change
  • „„Acquire a number of communication tools and techniques that will allow you to connect with
  • colleagues, government officials, health authorities and the media
  • „„Discover a variety of skill sets that will improve your abilities in conflict resolution, social media
  • and negotiation
  • „„Develop critical analysis, insight and creativity as it applies to workplace leadership and culture
  • „„Identify the challenges facing physician leaders in the health care system and acquire practical
  • tools to deal with them
  • „„Demonstrate ongoing commitment to physician leadership

Why you should attend!

  • „„To acquire skills to help you achieve your desired results
  • „„Network and learn with and from peers
  • „„Acquire practical skills to help you lead yourself and others
  • „„Get a feel for current and future trends

For more information please visit their website

Lieu Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre 1088 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC, CA
Contact Carol Rochefort
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