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Professional Development Week (PDW) 2015

Groupe: Medication Management
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Début Mercredi, Janvier 07, 2015 -  08:00am
Fin Samedi, Janvier 10, 2015 - 05:00pm ET
par Brad Fonseca

Host: PDW 2015

Canada Health Infoway (Infoway)is proud to participate in PDW 2015, a unique event that brings together pharmacy students from across Canada to share ideas, opinions, facts, experiences and views about the practice of pharmacy.

In support ofthe adoption and use of digital health among future pharmacists, Infoway joined forces with the Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada to launch the Clinicians in Training project. The initiative aims to better prepare pharmacy students to practice in modern, technology-enabled environments, realizing benefits such as increased patient safety and improved efficiency.

Infoway participation

Visit our booth at the Health Fair on January 9 to learn more about how Infoway is working with pharmacy faculties across Canada to promote the use of technology by future pharmacists.

For more information on PDW 2015, visit their website.

Lieu Delta Quebec Hotel 690 Boulevard René Lévesque East Quebec, QC

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