Very interesting report, Ron -- thanks for sharing it!
What, in your view, should be our Canadian action items related to the development of realm-specific profiles (and IGs... or IHE FHIR Profiles)? If we are, in our domestic work,
profiling US-specific FHIR profiles do we run the risk of finding ourselves in a bind -- or are you confident the CRTSS initiative will not undermine any of our ongoing efforts towards developing a CA-Core?
Also... related to IGs vs IHE FHIR Profiles... what do you believe is the right way to
increase development capacity and exercise stronger governance over the "implementable" artefacts we're going to need to go to scale with FHIR? I would advocate for focusing on IHE-based processes -- but this option did not even seem to come up at all in the HL7 IC meeting (which is a bit worrying, tbh). Do you have any insights into why this quite-obvious alternative wasn't on the HL7 leadership's radar? (and sorry if this is an awkward question...)
Thanks and warmest regards,