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Ah, you can get to Indications another way as well via the subject relationship off the section (as opposed to the subject2 I used in my earlier response). I missed that the easy way I gave didn't actually reference a specific product or substance.
For indications on a specific product:
For indications on a substance, I don't see how you can do that directly. You can say Substance X is an ingredient of Product Y and Product Y has the following indications for administering it:
Thanks Jean, I am specifically looking at a mechanism of relating indications to either the substance or product.
I may have no choice but to use the section approach, however the issue is that there is no link to products (in the case that the document has more than a single product) or substances (when there is more than one product).
From the SPL model, the ProductUseGuidelines has a reason relationship to the Indication choice which contains a IndicationObservationCriterion as one of the choices and that is where the indications for a given product would be specified.
Starting with the SPL schema, the XML path to the Indications is:
Is there any metadata (ie element contained within the SPL product data elements section) that captures indications?
There is a separate section, but looking at the SPL schema I do not see any reference to the otherIndication element. What am I missing or is it that SPL as currently defined does not capture indications at the product or substance level?
Help or assistance would be welcome, or even point me in the right direction.