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file Sex-Gender Stakeholder Consultation Session on June 23rd - Follow-up

  • Messages : 86
il y a 3 ans 9 mois #6122 par Marcy Antonio
Hi Everyone,

Thanks to all of you who were able to attend the consultation session on Health System Use on June 23rd, 2020.

A few follow-ups to the consultation session:
1) If you were unable to attend or have additional comments, you can add your comments directly into the 'Summary Notes' document by using track changes, or in the 'Slide Deck' or by sending them in the body of your email.

2) The summary notes from our second session in May have been updated with additional comments that were emailed to us. We have also added the discussion on ISO standards into the notes, so that we can refer back to this when it comes to writing our reports.

3) Here is the survey link where you can provide us feedback on how the session went:

The summary notes and slide deck can all be found on the Planning Project page: If could please send any additional feedback to Marcy (Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.) or Francis (Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.) by July 17th.


On behalf of the Sex and Gender CIHR Planning Project:
Francis Lau, Professor and Lead Researcher
Marcy Antonio, PhD Candidate and Research Coordinator

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