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file Seeking response: Tuesday January 4th, 2022: Deprecate PP (Paramedic Practitioner): HealthcareProviderRoleType Subset

  • Messages : 9
il y a 2 ans 4 mois #7326 par Tarek Kadoura
Hello Community users,

Canada Health Infoway received a request to deprecate the “Paramedic Practitioner” concept, (code: PP) from the “HealthcareProviderRoleType” subset and the SCPTYPE code system.

According to the stakeholder request, there has been a consolidation in the profession using the terms PCP (Primary Care Paramedic), ACP (Advanced Care Paramedic), and CCP (Critical Care Paramedic) dating back to 2001.

We kindly ask that you let us know if you are still using this concept and/or if have any objections to it being removed from both the subset and the code system by sending your feedback to our InfoDesk: Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. by end of your business day on Tuesday January 4th , 2022.

If we don’t hear back from you by this date, we will procced with removing the concept from the subset and the code system and plan to publish an updated version of the “HealthcareProviderRoleType” subset in the Terminology Gateway shortly thereafter.

Tarek Kadoura
Sr. Manager, Standards Operations
Canada Health Infoway | Inforoute Santé du Canada

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