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file Direct links within IHE wiki - Planning Comm voting status and Planning Comm schedule

  • Posts: 31
6 years 11 months ago #2600 by Teri Sippel Schmidt
I am adding one more direct wiki link to this forums post regarding the IHE Rad Planning Committee voting procedure:

It is also copied here (unofficially!!!!) for convenience: (the formatting gets messed up, unfortunately)

March 31, 2017
IHE Radiology Planning Committee Co-charis:
Mike Bohl, Radiology Group, PC, SC
David Koff, MD, McMaster University
IHE Radiology Planning Committee Profile Selection Voting Process
1. Short List Voting
a. The Planning Committee (PC) reviews and discusses each profile
b. After all profiles have been reviewed and discussed, a vote is called with each
eligible member voting for their top three Short List Profiles
i. During the voting process each member will rank their three preferred
Profiles from 3 to 1 with 3 (3 points) being their highest ranked profile, 2
(2 points) their second-ranked profile, and 1 (1 point) their third ranked
ii. PC Members must be present during the voting call to vote
c. Scores will be summed to determine the final ranked Profile order from highest
to lowest
d. By default, the PC will place the 6 highest ranked Profiles on the Short List and
send them to the TC for review and time estimates
i. The TC co-chair may inform the PC co-chair in writing that the TC is
willing to review more than 6 Profiles, in which case the PC will move
the requested number onto the Short List in ranked order
ii. If two (or more) Profiles are tied for the final spot on the Short List all
tied Profiles will be placed on the Short List and sent to the TC for
review and time estimates.
2. TC Review – Maximum and Minimum Useful Effort Time Estimates
a. The TC will review each Short List Profile and submit a “Maximum Useful Effort”
(MaxUE) time to the PC for the Final Vote
i. The MaxUE represents the time the TC committee members believe it
will take to develop the full Profile as proposed
b. The TC may, if it thinks it is appropriate and with agreement from the Profile
author, narrow the scope of the proposed Profile and submit, in addition to the
MaxUE, an alternative Minimum Useful Estimate (MinUE)
i. MaxUE will be the default work estimate during the Final Voting process
ii. A Profile’s MinUE would only be considered if that is the only option for
developing the profile due to TC work effort limitations (i.e., the MinUE
is the only option for that last accepted Final profile to come in at or
below the 110% total TC work effort)
c. If the Profile author chooses to submit a MinUE estimate, the Profile author
and/or TC must submit a statement clearly articulating which elements/portions
of the original proposal will be removed from development in order to meet the
MinUE estimate
i. This will allow the PC to be better informed during the final voting
process as well as serve as a guide for the TC during the development
process should a MinUE profile be approved
3. Final Selection Voting
a. The PC reviews and discusses all Short List Profiles after the TC has assigned
them estimated MaxUE/MinUE time estimates
b. After all profiles have been reviewed and discussed, a vote is called with each
eligible member voting for their top three Final Profiles
i. During the voting process each member will rank their three preferred
Profiles from 3 to 1 with 3 being their highest ranked profile, 2 their
second-ranked profile, and 1 their third ranked profile
ii. PC Members must be present during the voting call to vote
c. Scores will summed to determine the final ranked Profile order
d. The IHE Radiology Technical Committee Maintenance item will automatically
move to the Final List and the percentage of effort applied for the TC.
e. The highest scoring profiles will be moved to the Final Profile list one at a time
until the sum of the TF Maintenance plus the newly approved Final Profile’s
MaxUE estimates are >=90% and <=110% of total Technical Committee time
i. We will stop adding profiles if we reach 90% because there is always
more maintenance work that can be performed
f. Addition of the MaxUE of the next highest scoring profile to the sum of the
previously approved profiles plus TF maintenance can never exceed 110% of
available TC work effort
i. If the next highest scoring profile’s MaxUE when added exceed 110% of
available TC time, that profile’s MinUE will be checked to see if it, when
added to the sum of the previously approved work efforts is within the
110% limitation
1. If the Profile’s MinUE brings the total work effort to <=110%
that profile will be moved to the Final List
2. If the Profile’s MinUE exceeds 110% that profile will be set aside
and the next highest profile will be considered, first with it’s
MaxUE, then it’s MinUE, subject to the same 110% limitation
ii. This process will be repeated until a Short List Profile is identified that,
when added results in a total TC estimated work effort >=90% and
<=110% of its estimated available time.
g. If two or more Profiles are tied, and if adding all tied MaxUE profiles to the Final
List would exceed the <=110% TC time threshold, the tie breaking process
described below will be followed, limited to the tied Profiles in question.
4. Final Vote Tie Breaking Process
a. If one or more of the tied Profile’s MaxUE, when added to the total work effort,
would exceed the total TC work effort limitation, but one or more tied Profile’s
MaxUE falls within the total work effort limitation, the tied Profile(s) whose
MaxUE exceeds the max TC threshold will be dropped from consideration
regardless of the tie
i. In other words, a tied Profile’s MinUE will not be considered if another
of the tied profiles whose MaxUE would still fall within the total work
effort limitation
1. This ensures we will have a bias towards developing full profiles
whenever possible
b. If all tied Profile’s MaxUE exceeds the max TC threshold the tied Profile’s MinUE
will be considered
i. Profiles whose MinUE exceeds the max TC threshold will be dropped
from consideration
1. It is possible this could, in essence, break the tie
c. If two or more Profiles remain tied at this point, a simple majority vote of the
eligible PC members, limited to the tied Profiles in question
i. If the simple majority vote ends in a tie the RSNA staff on the call will
use a random number generator to generate a random number for each
Profile. The Profile(s) with the highest randomly generated number(s)
will be placed on the Final list until the maximum number of profiles are

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  • Posts: 31
7 years 1 month ago #2377 by Teri Sippel Schmidt
Hello CHI Diagnostic Imaging Community-

From today's call, I am posting a couple of direct links from the IHE wiki...

The IHE wiki can be a little convoluted to navigate, but it is also not a bad thing to know, so I am listing the path as well as the direct links:

1.) IHE Radiology Planning Committee membership and voting status:

(questions or possible errors? contact Nichole Drye-Mayo at RSNA at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Follow the links on the wiki as: -> IHE Radiology (RAD) -> the Radiology Planning Committee -> (scroll way down) Radiology Planning Committee Roster - Google spreadsheet -> the link opens the spreadsheet, but be sure that it is on the Planning Committee tab. the green color in the Organization name column indicates current voting privileges.

Or, the direct link is here:

2.) IHE Radiology Planning Committee list of meetings/calls:

Follow the links on the wiki as: -> IHE Radiology (RAD) -> the Radiology Planning Committee -> scroll down to Current Meetings section (table)

Or, the direct link is here:

If questions, please respond on this forum or send an email to Teri or Kinson.

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